Thursday, December 6, 2012

Beef Chili + Chocolate Eclair

Rating: 8/10

Beef chili eaten with chocolate eclair. I was debating between the eclair or a red velvet cupcake, but the eclair won out. I figure the light creamy custard and crunchy-chewy shell goes better than the heavy cream and cake taste/texture with the already heavy chili with its hot, savory, spicy, chunky taste/texture. Good call on my part. The chili could be better but this combo is killer.
(eaten @ Sculpture Garden Restaurant, Washington DC)

  • cup of beef chili = 300 Calories, 1300g Sodium, 10g fiber, 25% of daily Iron, 15% of daily Vitamin A, 10% of daily Calcium
  • chocolate eclair = 270 Calories, 7g sugar, 17% of daily Vitamin A
Total Calories = 570
Half a day's worth of Sodium, a third of a day's Vitamin A, a quarter of a day's Iron, and some Calcium. Eh, not much of note nutritionally.

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